Locations of Unusual/Unexplained Activity in the San Luis Valley Region, CO/NM

Locations of Unusual/Unexplained Activity in the San Luis Valley Region, CO/NM

This is Christopher O’Brien’s map of where you could go when investigating the “mysterious” greater San Luis Valley region. This map is for informational purposes ONLY and some locations have been approximated for your safety. O’Brien cannot and will not be held responsible for what happens to you if & when you visit any of… Continue Reading

For Whom the Bell Tolled

For Whom the Bell Tolled

By Christopher O’Brien The news last week of legendary late night radio broadcaster Art Bell’s passing generated a deluge of social media posts that mourned his death, extolled his virtues as a groundbreaking broadcaster and acknowledged his role as a fringe subject pioneer.  There’s no denying the impact of Bell’s presence on late night talk… Continue Reading

Bigfoot Reports from Central Southern CO/Northern NM: Excerpt from Wood Knocks Vol II

[Last month saw the release of David Weatherly’s Wood Knocks: Journal of Sasquatch Research Vol II which features chapters by Weatherly, Loren Coleman, Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Eric Altman, Dave Spinks, Richard Freeman and Jeff Stewart. I also contributed a chapter that examines south-central CO/north-central NM hairy hominid reports. I recommend the book  highly and urge… Continue Reading

Hot Spots: The San Luis Valley, CO/NM

Hot Spots: The San Luis Valley, CO/NM

Our strange planet features a variety of magical locales (such as the San Luis Valley) that have a history of unexplained events—such as bizarre aerial activity, strange phantasmal creatures and other phenomena—centered around specific locations. East, west, north or south, it doesn’t matter where you travel on this blue globe hanging in space, there will… Continue Reading