This is Christopher O’Brien’s map of where you could go when investigating the “mysterious” greater San Luis Valley region. This map is for informational purposes ONLY and some locations have been approximated for your safety. O’Brien cannot and will not be held responsible for what happens to you if & when you visit any of these sites. You must obey all laws and posted signs and (most especially) respect the locals. You are a stranger here, DO NOT trespass on private land, respect the environment and treat this magical locale and its residents with the utmost care and respect, please. If you plan to explore the border regions indicated in purple, you would be well advised to contact me before mounting any expeditions to these two regions!
Is your UFODAP project coordinating with the UFODATA project group? If not, why? It seems to me that you are doing the same thing but separate. Why not create a network between groups like these to be able to share resources such as instrumentation construction, methodology and data acquisition? Being separate also limits the resources in funding using crowd funding and such. It just seems that there should be a coordinated effort here.
If you want to understand what’s going on, you must start with how things are made, you must understand how thought forms are made and who makes them, this is the Key to understanding what you are dealing with.